Thursday, 20 May 2010


There is hope on the horizon.
Wintec were unable to help me with getting my Degree but they did suggest another place to try.
Rotorua of all places.
It means correspondence, which I have to admit, I am not a great fan of, I just don't have the will power to sit and study with so many other things going on around me, but it is looking good so far.
I was prepared to travel there once a week if it was required, but it isn't, only if I want to use their library etc do I need to go there.
I have been in touch with them and things are looking good. Because I qualified as a nurse after 1994 then I only have to take 4 papers.
Now these papers can be taken all together in 1 semester (fulltime) which means I would have them finished by Christmas or they can be taken very slowly, 1 or 2 a yr.
Me, well I am going to commence one of the papers this July, which will be finished by Christmas and then I will get the other 3 papers sorted over next year, so hopefully by the end of 2011 I will have my Degree.
This in turn then means that I can apply next year for the 1yr Graduate Diploma in Teaching to be completed in 2012.

This to me all sounds so much better than slogging away at a 3 yr course over 5 years!?

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Looks like I may see you quite often in Rotorua
This sounds to good to be true
Mum xx